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2024- 2025 School year info

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Jordan Filderman-
 [email protected]
Assistant Principal-

Assistant Principal
Katelyn Shenton-
[email protected]

Hebbville LogoClick here
Click the logo for

week's Family


Our theme for the 2024-2025 school year is Empowering Minds. Transforming Lives. Over the past five years, Hebbville students have continuously shown progress in Language Arts, Math, and social emotional competency, and we are confident that they are ready to engage in rigorous and responsive instruction that will prepare them for middle school and beyond. 


We are excited to share that Hebbville Elementary School has been identified as a Community School! Your voice is essential in this process, and we are committed to finding every avenue for you to be able to share your perspectives, opinions, and suggestions throughout this school year.

For more Information please check out the Community School tab!

Please join us in welcoming our newest members to our Hebbville faculty:

Ms. Julia Wilson, Pre-School 3                        
Ms. Julie Fisher, Grade
Ms. Tracey Love, Grade 2                                    Ms. Alexis Miller, Grade 3

Ms. Sakina Moultrie, Grade 3                           Mr. Niles Logan, Behavior Intervention

Ms. Amanda McDermott , Grade 5                Mr. Bryan Trumbo, Physical Education

Ms. Victoria Floyd, Special Educator             Ms. Taylor Maas, Special Educator

Mr. William Kearns, Special Educator           Ms. Julie Schissler, School Counselor

Ms. Maitra Saxena, English Language Development

Mr. E. James Guest, Special Educator (RSEL)

Ms. Tara Rideout-Chaney, Literacy Responsive Instruction Resource Teacher

Please Click Here to View the full

Parent Welcome Back

Letter 2024- 2025

code of conduct

Here at Hebbville...

We respect OURSELVES!

We respect OTHERS!

We respect our SCHOOL!

vision statement

Hebbville Elementary School will provide a safe, productive and orderly learning environment that will equip all students with the essential literacy skills in all content areas for the high-level thinking and reasoning necessary to be successful learners.

mission statement

Hebbville Elementary School staff will focus on data driven decision making to improve communication, collaboration, and critical thinking skills for all learners. We will provide an environment that is fun, engaging, and customized to meet the needs of our individual learners as we prepare them for middle school; the next step on their pathway toward college and career readiness.


The FOCUS Platform informs parents about bus transportation, school wide events, student schedules, attendance records, behavioral records, and report cards!

Get your parent FOCUS account set up now!

See our Parent tab for more information!


Focus App

Did You know?

Attendance Matters

Hebbville merch 

Exciting News! Hebbville Merch is now available to purchase! Grab your Hebbville gear- shirts, jackets, jerseys, hats and more.  Click the link to more more great options!
Hebbville Merch

Hebbville Merch